Thanks to a grant from Ormiston Trust we have been able to purchase a new gear box for the Ridan composter that was donated to us by Plate2Plate Compost . That has now been fitted and we will shortly start composting some of the school’s food waste. The compost will then be used around the school grounds.

Our Ridan Composter

About 1/3 of all food is wasted in one way or another! Since so much time, energy and effort has gone into producing this food and all food has a carbon and environmental footprint, it is important that we try to reduce our food waste as much as possible and that any food waste we do produce doesn’t cause further damage to the environment. By measuring and composting our food waste we hope to:

  • think more about our food, where it comes from, what is involved in producing it
  • reduce the amount of food we do waste
  • reduce the amount of food waste that is transported
  • produce good quality compost that we can use to grow our own food.

If you are interested in composting your own food waste or in finding someone who will compost it for you have a look at the Sharewaste website or contact Mr Magnall via the comments section below.