Biodiversity is the rich variety of life on Earth.
Here is a message from David Attenborough about the importance of biodiversity and the threat it is under:
And here is the Natural History Museum’s definition of Biodiversity:
At ACE, we want all life to flourish. To help increase the biodiversity of our school grounds we need to know what life visits us and what that life needs in order to thrive. Then we can try and help improve the habitats and see if that increases the biodiversity.
We are using the iNaturalist website and the Seek app to help us identify and record wildlife that we find. You can see our records here.
Here is some of the incredible life we find in school:
- Blackbird
- Blue tit
- Bullfinch
- Carrion Crow
- Coal tit
- Dunnock
- Gold Finch
- Great tit
- Green Finch
- Grey Heron
- House Sparrow
- Long tailed tit
- Magpie
- Pied Wagtail
- Red Kite
- Robin
- Song Thrush
- Starling
- Wood Pigeon
- Wren
- Alder leaf beetle
- Bird Cherry Ermine
- Centipedes
- Common Red Soldier Beetle
- Earthworm
- Green Long-horned Moth
- Large Yellow Underwing
- Light brown apple moth
- Millipedes
- Orange tip butterfly
- Red-tailed bumble bee
- Seven spotted Ladybird
- Shield bug
- Tapered drone fly
- Welsh Chafer
- Wood louse
- Wooly Aphids
- European Harvestman
- Walnut Orb Weaver
- Zebra jumping spider
- Alder tree
- Black Polar
- Hawthorn
- Oak
- Silver Birch
- Willow
Other plants
- Bird’s foot trefoil
- Bristly Oxtongue
- Brome grass
- Bulbous Buttercup
- Chives
- Cock’s foot grass
- Common Bistort
- Common daisy
- Common groundsel
- Common poppy
- Common Sow-thistle
- Common spike-rush
- Creeping buttercup
- Creeping Thistle
- Cut Leaved Crane’s Bill
- Dandelion
- Douglas’ meadow foam (poached egg plant)
- Druce’s Crane’s-bill
- Field horsetail
- Garlic Mustard
- Great Mullein
- Great Stinging Nettle
- Hairy Tare
- Leavenworth’s eryngo
- Lesser Hop Trefoil
- Meadow Buttercup
- Meadow Salsify
- Mouse-eared Chickweed
- Orange Hawkweed (Fox and cubs)
- Orchard Grass
- Prickly Sow-thistle
- Purple toadflax
- Ragwort
- Red clover
- Rose Spirea (Douglas’ Meadowsweet)
- Shining pepperweed
- Welsh Poppy
- White Clover
- Wood Avens
- Yorkshire Fog Grass