WOW is the Living Streets’ walk to school challenge that ACE takes part in with the aim of increasing active travel, improving healthy and reducing the congestion and pollution caused by motor vehicles. Pupils who travel actively to school at least once a week for a month earn a WOW badge with a new one to collect each month.
The badges are designed by pupils and the competition to design the badges for 2025-26 is now taking place. To enter:
- print out the template
- draw your design onto the template – we recommend that you do a design in rough on scrap paper before committing to a final version on the template
- give the design to your teacher before Friday 7th February
Classes will vote on the best designs on Monday 10th February and the class winners will go forward for a whole school vote to select the best three designs later that week.
The theme for the badges is “Walk with Joy” and further information and advice is on the template.

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