This week Class 4A have been exploring hedges as a habitat and we have been identifying all the plants we can find in and under the hedge next to the class 2 / 3 building.
Main hedge plants:
- Hawthorn
- Field maple
- Elderberry
- Dog Rose
Plants and flowers at base of hedge
- Lawn daisy
- Common self heal
- Brambles
- Hedge woundwort
- Large bindweed
- Ribwort plantain
- Purple toadflax
- Marsh crane’s-bill
- Bloody crane’s-bill
- Catchweed Bedstraw
- Corn cockle
- Wood avens
- Bush vetch
- Great stinging nettle
- Nipplewort
- Herb Robert
- Red Campion
- Silver cinquefoil
Shrubs next to hedge
- Bamboo
- Butterfly bush
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