We are very excited to have been awarded support by the Royal Society for a Biodiversity Project in school. This is an 18 month project:
- to learn more about the biodiversity of ACE School grounds,
- to make a record of what lives here
- to see if we can make the school grounds better for wildlife
- tied into the school development goals and curriculum
During the project we will be doing the following:
Task 1 – Map the school grounds
Task 2 – Survey: identify what lives where – Plants, Insects, Birds, etc
Task 3 – Learn about the plants, insects and birds and their habitats and how they
fit into the web of life
Task 4 – Research what we can do change and improve habitats
Task 5 – Make what changes we can
Task 6 – Survey: see if there are any changes
We will be supported in this work by some wonderful external partners who have so much more knowledge about biodiversity that we do:

We will be reporting the progress on our project here on the ACE EcoSchool blog.
If you have some expertise in this area and would like to consider becoming a partner in this amazing project please contact Mr Magnall via the contact page on this website.

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